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Riyaad Khan – Community Scheme Coordinator
Monde Jonas – Community Scheme Coach
Xolani Sicamba – Communtiy Scheme coach
Mogamad Adlie Gabier – Community Scheme Coach

Ajax Cape Town’s vision is to lift the standard of South African football by unleashing the glorious potential of the youth.

In order to be successful, we invest most of our resources in our communities, schools and youth football. This has propelled us to embark on an intensive social responsibility initiative known as Ajax Cape Town Community Scheme.

The simple aim of the Community Scheme is to take football back to the community. This is achieved by providing football opportunities to young people within our catchment area regardless of race, gender, social status or disability. This initiative is facilitated through structured programmes in a safe, fun, learning environment.

Since the inception of the Ajax Cape Town Community Scheme in May 2007, we have engaged 140 primary schools.

Through our professionally trained community coaches, we have provided hope and opportunities to street kids across the Cape Peninsula. By empowering these coaches, we have taken the wonderful game of football back to our communities where it is still regarded as the number on sport.


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Our Goals

Short Term:

  • Educate the youth in all communities across the Cape Peninsula
  • Providing football opportunities for all
  • Promoting physical activity and a healthy lifestyle
  • Assist in crime prevention using football as a catalyst
  • Develop coaching opportunities and job creation

Long Term:

  • Create positive role models
  • Ajax Cape Town becomes the community
  • To become every child’s favourite team

Kick ‘n Learn & Urban Soccer Modules

The Ajax Cape Town Kick ‘n Learn and Urban Soccer Modules are rolled out at primary schools over a 6-week period, once a week, for 1 hour with 30 learners selected by schools including both boys and girls.

The selection is not based on footballing ability, but rather on who will benefit from the education.

The modules take place during school hours as the focus is on education, with life skills being part of the curriculum. Half an hour is spent on life orientation in the classroom with the second half and hour being a five-a-side tournament. Here the 30 learners are divided into six teams with a round robin format being applied over the 6 weeks.

Each life skills subject, i.e. nutrition, drugs, HIV, guns, smoking and fire safety is relevant to improving the lifestyle of the learners, promoting a healthy lifestyle and making the right choices when dealing with the challenged of society using football s a catalyst.

Three full time coaches visit 6 schools a day every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. That results in 18 schools per 6-week cycle. A t the end of the 6-weeks each learner will receive a branded booklet with the subjects discussed, a certificate and a goodie bag.

During the 6-week cycle we ensure an appearance from a First team player at the school to assist in the session.

The aim of this is to introduce the learner to a positive role model.